Get Fit With Boxing Training

Boxing Fitness

What is Boxing Fitness?

When people think of boxing, they often envisage boxing greats like Flloyd Mayweather or Manny Pacquiao… or Australian Boxing heros like Kostya Tszyu, Lionel Rose or Jeff Fenech… But boxing isn’t just a sport anymore. It’s also an increasingly popular way to get fit (and stay fit), through a version that is becoming known as Fitness Boxing.

with Fitness Boxing there is no getting into a ring or taking any punches, so there’s no risk of head trauma. Instead, fitness boxing has adapted the movements of the sport into exercise routines…

This kind of boxing has many health benefits, because it constantly requires you to think, change your position, and change your posture.



Cardio Boxing Training

Boxing is a high impact cardio workout that offers a significant calorie burn. … A typical boxing session can burn up to 1000 calories. When compared to other cardio stables such as walking (243 calories), jogging (398 calories) and running (544 calories), the calories burned by a session of boxing beats them all

Strength & Power Training

boxers have to perform a combination of both resistance and endurance training when preparing for a fight, to ensure they have the strength and conditioning needed to win.

Speed & Agility Training

Few sports incorporate the type of physical demands on an athlete as boxing. In addition to requiring sufficient strength in your arms, legs and core, boxing requires excellent balance and foot speed to properly evade and overcome your opponent.